Future Star nominee – Brooke Chomyn

Future Star nominee – Brooke Chomyn
Not only is Brooke Chomyn a 21-year-old woman carving a career in the construction industry, she is a care leaver who is proud to show other young people that they can improve their life chances too.
Brooke is a material resource controller for Unitas Stoke-on-Trent Ltd, Stoke-on-Trent City Council’s repairs and maintenance company, where her job includes making sure materials arrive on time for tradespeople.
She has studied a Business Administration Apprentice with Stoke-on-Trent College. Alongside her day job she attends careers fairs to encourage others to consider an apprenticeship within the construction industry.
Brooke volunteers at The House Project and mentors young people that are in care to help to steer them to live independently and to have a successful education and job. She designed a leaflet for children in care with guidance about careers and applying for jobs.
Brooke sits on the Children’s Fostering and Adoption panel to assess the suitability of prospective carers of young people. She questions new foster and adoptive parents to ensure they are the best candidates.
In 2022 Brooke was recognised as a finalist in the Youth Voice Award category at the Staffordshire Youth Awards.
Rachel Forster, Unitas’ corporate responsibility co-ordinator, said: “Brooke is an inspiration to other young people and demonstrates that through sheer grit and determination you can achieve great things for yourself and also help to change the lives of others.”
Unitas Stores Manager Emma Sloan said: “Unitas has worked very closely with the Care Leavers Team in the city to make apprenticeships available to the young people that they support.
“Brooke is the first young apprentice to come into Unitas through this route. She has excelled since day one and we have seen her develop and grow in her time with us.
“It’s fantastic to see her efforts and work recognised at the awards, recognition that is well and truly deserved.”
Brooke said: “Unitas is my work family and I feel that I have found my forever job. I want to improve my life so that one day, should I have children, they will be proud of me.”
Brooke has been nominated in the Future Star category of the Your Heroes Awards.