Community Group of the Year nominee – Saltbox

Community Group of the Year nominee – Saltbox
The Saltbox was set up 40 years ago and has established itself as a key charity and faith organisation in Stoke-on-Trent.
Today Saltbox employs 60 staff, has more than 50 volunteers and its three caring services, Restart, CareLink and Money Matters, support around 500 people in need at any one time.
Restart provides housing and support for 125 ex-offenders. CareLink supports 300 elderly people with a telephone support service. Money Matters provides a debt and benefits advice service for Stoke-on-Trent Foodbank’s 16 distribution locations.
Saltbox also provides support for the city’s 150 faith groups and hosts the city’s Annual Civic Prayer Breakfast which is now one of the largest such events in the UK.
Saltbox’s reputation has grown both nationally and internationally as it has modelled the importance of faith groups connecting with other statutory and voluntary sector partners.
Now it has been nominated as Community Group of the Year in the Your Heroes Awards by Chief Executive Lloyd Cooke.
Lloyd said: “I’m making this nomination to show Saltbox’s staff and volunteers how brilliant they are and to give them recognition for their hard work.
“Saltbox is committed to strengthening our communities and does this through the support it gives to those in need and also through its extensive partnership working. Saltbox/s staff and volunteers believe that the way you change the world is one life a time.”