Carer of the Year nominee – Jennifer Whitehurst

Carer of the Year nominee – Jennifer Whitehurst
Care home worker Jennifer Whitehurst goes above and beyond to make sure the residents and colleagues she works with are treated exceptionally.
The 29-year-old, from Tunstall, is a Care Home Assistant Practitioner (CHAP) at Bradwell Hall Nursing Home in Bradwell.
Starting her career in care eight years ago, she has worked hard to get to her current position. She’s been a CHAP at the care home for more than two years.
She said: “I love being able to make people happy. That’s why I feel I’m in the right place to do that. It’s so easy coming into work each day when you know you’re making a real impact on the residents and families to make them happy.”
Nominating Jennifer in the Carer of the Year category of the Your Heroes Awards, colleague and friend Tesse Duggan said: “I would like to nominate Jen because she shows so much sensitivity and understanding and she has a huge desire to help the residents, staff and visitors. She always demonstrates exceptional support for others.
“I also wanted to nominate her because she doesn’t just work in a set place. She works all around the home and different wings but she still makes the residents and families feel like she’s been there forever because she’s so welcoming and kind and she always goes above and beyond with a big smile on her face.”
Jennifer said: “I’m totally shocked. I really love my job and it’s extra special to be nominated by a peer. I don’t do this for the recognition. I do what I do to put smiles on faces.”