29 September 2023 Future Star nominee – Brooke Farrall Teenager Brooke Farrall is overcoming life challenges to carve out a better future for herself…
28 September 2023 Sporting Icon nominee – Nigel Johnson Win, lose or draw, sports commentator Nigel Johnson’s voice has been a constant for Stoke…
28 September 2023 Inspiration in Education nominee – John Cummings DJ, youth worker and now the principal of an alternative provision specialist school, John Cummings…
27 September 2023 Future Star nominee – Umar Abdul-Latif He’s just eight-years-old but Umar Abdul-Latif is a young carer for his teenage sister who…
27 September 2023 Future Star nominees – Doveridge Under-8s Blue football team The young players in the Doveridge Under-8s Blue team are not just learning football skills…
26 September 2023 Sporting Icon nominee – Kerry Davis Stoke-on-Trent born Kerry Davis was the first dual-heritage woman to play international football for England.…
26 September 2023 Civic Pride nominee – David Webster As the CEO of the Dougie Mac Hospice David Webster has led one of the…
26 September 2023 Carer of the Year nominees – Helen and Michael Tryner Helen and Michael Tryner aren’t just carers, they’re carers whose role it is to look…
26 September 2023 Carer of the Year nominee – Lynn Parkin Senior healthcare support worker Lynn Parkin is one of the longest serving members of staff…
25 September 2023 Uniformed Hero nominees – Dale Glover, Phil Salwey, Martin Bailey, Tim Bullock, Justin Cooley and Adrian Smith When a river training session was interrupted by the need for a real-life rescue, six…